It is much better to hire long-term experienced professionals to significantly lower the risk of project failure. They can drive project team and apply standard steps of proven project methodology. These professionals can also foresee when project is going to move to wrong direction and bring it back to the track.
Project Business Case clearly articulates project reasons and expected goals. Also it calculates realistic benefits with evaluation of all risk factors by using proven analytical methods. Project Risk Assessment is a usual part of Project Business Case delivery.
Project Risk Assessment determinates the project risk factors, evaluates their risk rate to the project and suggests possible elimination of these factors. Project Risk Assessment has to be recalculated once project changes occur during project delivery.
Project Set-Up provides guidance and support for a project sponsor to prepare everything what is necessary to successfully and professionally start a project.
Project Set-Up includes (not exclusively):
Project Assurance supervises if project is running properly. The control is focused if:
Project Assurance role is delegated by project sponsor to have direct and professional control over the project. Project Assurance role is not compatible with Project Management role.
Experienced Project Manager is a key person appointed from customer or supplier side to manage the project and project team to meet project goal in time and quality according to Project Set-Up or another project documents prepared by the third party and given methodology.